Press releases pg. 35

Nuclear power plants
Power plants

ČEZ Started Security Screening of Potential Bidders for a New Nuclear Unit in Dukovany

CEZ Group’s Dukovany II power plant has today sent out letters and started a security screening of three potential bidders for a new nuclear unit. The letters were sent to EdF of France, Westinghouse of the USA, and KHNP of South Korea. The potential bidders will submit all relevant information to ČEZ by the end of November, and the Government will then decide which potential bidders will be invited to participate in the tender.

21. 6. 2021

Nuclear power plants

Elektrárna Dukovany II applied for a zoning permit for a new nuclear source at the Dukovany site today

Elektrárna Dukovany II, a ČEZ subsidiary, applied for a zoning permit today for a new nuclear source at the Dukovany site. This is the beginning of another important stage in the preparation of the construction project, but these are also administrative proceedings that have no direct connection to contractor selection. The preparation of background materials and documents took more than two years and involved approximately seventy experts.

1. 6. 2021

Environment and renewable resources
Nuclear power plants

Temelín's Unit 1 restored the production of electricity. The outage has taken place in the mode of full testing of both plant and suppliers’ staff

At the weekend, Unit 1 of Temelín NPP started to produce electricity again. Due to planned refueling, the operators shut Unit 1 down on March 26. The outage lasted for 56.5 days and took place in a strict covid regime. The technicians have daily tested on average five hundred workers during the outage. Together with the Dukovany power plant, all six nuclear units are currently in operation.

24. 5. 2021

Environment and renewable resources
Products and services
Power plants
Economics and financial news

ČEZ Presents Clean Energy of Tomorrow: Its Production Portfolio Is To Be Rebuilt to Low Emissions by 2030

ČEZ has intensified its transition to future emission-free energy. This is in line with its strategy that primarily aims at transforming its production portfolio to low emissions by 2030, becoming carbon neutral by 2050, and offering the best energy solutions and customs experience in the market. Vision 2030, referred to as the Clean Energy of Tomorrow, confirms CEZ Group’s ambition to be a leader in sustainable development in the Czech Republic as well as in the entire Central Europe.

20. 5. 2021