Press releases pg. 37

Environment and renewable resources
Products and services
Nuclear power plants

EUROVIA CS Group to be driven by emissions-free power from ČEZ

The construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure in the Czech Republic will be more environmentally friendly, as EUROVIA CS Group newly becomes a user of environmentally friendly power from emissions-free sources. The representative of both companies signed a joined declaration. With the consumption of each 1 MWh of emissions-free power, the country saves 0.6 tonnes of CO2 as compared to traditional electricity from the usual electricity mix, which – given EUROVIA CS’ average annual consumption – amounts to 19,600 tonnes of CO2. EUROVIA CS Group will purchase emissions-free electricity from 1 January 2022 through to 31 December 2023, from ČEZ ESCO, a ČEZ subsidiary.

12. 4. 2021

Foreign activities
Economics and financial news

CEZ Group has completed the sale of its Romanian companies to Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets

Today, the sale of Romanian assets was settled between CEZ Group and funds managed by Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA). The sale includes a total of seven Romanian companies. The share purchase agreement was signed last October, and the transaction was approved by the European Antitrust Authority and the Romanian Supreme Council of National Defence. CEZ remains present in Romania through CEZ ESCO Romania and CEZ Trade Romania.

31. 3. 2021

Environment and renewable resources
Foreign activities
Products and services
Economics and financial news

Hydrogen, e-mobility, photovoltaics, eco-energy, successful sales – CEZ Group´s investment fund boasts with a portfolio of companies operating on five continents

CEZ Group’s venture capital fund Inven Capital has examined some 2,400 investment opportunities throughout Europe since 2015, selecting 14 for implementation, including two in the Czech Republic. Companies from their portfolio have launched many innovative projects that will contribute to the fulfilment of global decarbonisation targets, whether in the area of hydrogen technologies, solar energy, energy efficiency and savings, or e-mobility. Inven Capital has already successfully exited two companies, selling them to global players such as Microsoft and Shell. CEZ Group and the European Investment Bank have backed Inven Capital with EUR 240 million, of which approx. EUR 130 mil. have already been invested.

30. 3. 2021

Nuclear power plants

Temelín is scheduled to refuel the reactor of Unit 1. Anti-Covid measures are tightened up for the outage

Nearly fourteen thousand activities including refueling are waiting for the power plant technicians during the planned outage of the Temelín Unit 1. The outage will start this evening and take place in a tightened-up “Covid Mode”. In practice, this can mean up to one thousand Covid tests to be performed a day. The technicians had planned two months of work in the outage.

26. 3. 2021