Press releases pg. 38

Environment and renewable resources
Economics and financial news

Volvo Group invests in the Israeli company Driivz from the ČEZ Inven Capital investment fund portfolio

The e-mobility charging software specialist Driivz, in which ČEZ invested through its Inven Capital two years ago, has drawn in another major investor: manufacturer of trucks, buses, and construction machines Volvo Group. The company launched its first electric diggers last year and recently has announced its plan to offer a completely emissions-free truck portfolio by 2040. A joint pilot charging services project between Volvo Trucks, the Volvo Group and Driivz is ongoing. ČEZ charging stations have run on software from Driivz since 2020.

24. 3. 2021

Environment and renewable resources
Products and services
Power plants

The Tušimice battery tested well

A sudden drop in power frequency in the grid requires back-up sources capable of restoring the balance within 30 seconds. In their BAART project, ČEZ and ČEPS tested the connection of a high-capacity battery system for providing power balance services, in particular automatic frequency regulation. The first 16 scenarios tested simulated actual operational situations and conditions, including up to 37 activations of automatic charging/draining of the battery store per week – that is the balance of the battery located at the Tušimice Power Plant grounds. During the one-year test, its reliability and ability to quickly respond to frequency deviations was proven.

23. 3. 2021

Nuclear power plants
Power plants
Environment and renewable resources

ČEZ power plants saved 67 million cubic meters of surface water last year, reducing the usage of the valuable liquid by more than 14% y/y

In recent years, ČEZ has repeatedly achieved major savings of the valuable liquid. Last year, it reduced its consumption of surface water in its nuclear power plants by nearly 7% and in its traditional power plants by 16.5%.

21. 3. 2021

Economics and financial news

Due to one-off measures, CEZ Group’s earnings in 2020 were CZK 9 billion less than in 2019. Despite covid-19, its EBITDA rose by CZK 5 billion to nearly CZK 65 billion.

CEZ Group’s EBITDA for 2020 reached CZK 64.8 billion, up by 8% year-on-year. The growth can be attributed primarily to rising selling prices of electricity due to the multiple-year pre-sale in the wholesale market and also due to the stable operation of nuclear sources. The negative effect of covid-19 to the tune of CZK 3 billion was fully compensated mostly by higher profits from commodity trading and lower costs compared to the original expectations. Net Income after non-monetary adjustments grew by 21% year-on-year and reached CZK 22.8 billion. Net Income decreased to CZK 5.5 billion due to increased creation of adjustments related to the sale of Romanian assets and deteriorated conditions for the coal-based energy as well as due to record growth of emission allowance prices.

16. 3. 2021