Press releases pg. 51

Nuclear power plants

Temelín's Unit 1 restored the electricity production

Today At 3:04 p.m., Unit 1 of Temelín started to generate electricity again. The unit was as planned shut down for planned refueling since March 1. The shutdown lasted for 59 days and the power plant replaced, for example, almost one third of the fuel, checked the safety systems and carried out dozens of upgrades during this period. All in all, the outage schedule included almost 15,000 activities. Before achieving full power, the plant's technicians have to perform tests at 80 per cent of rated reactor power.

29. 4. 2019

Foreign activities

CEZ Group joins other German wind energy projects under development

In the last few days, CEZ Group acquired wind power plant projects in Germany with a total installed capacity of more than 110 MW. This resulted from a 50% joint venture with the active international early stage investor Holt Holding Group. Most of these projects will compete in the German auction system in 2022.

26. 4. 2019

Nuclear power plants

Refueling will start at Temelín. Six fuel assemblies made by Westinghouse Electric Sweden will be tested

Temelín's technicians will load exactly 163 fuel assemblies into the reactor of the shutdown Unit 1. This will include six test fuel assemblies of Westinghouse Electric Sweden. The power plant is going to test them in the upcoming years.

4. 4. 2019


Purchasing electric vehicle? Choose one from an energy supplier. ČEZ offers electric car packages with a charger, wiring control and green electricity

On April 4, 2019 - ČEZ Prodej, s.r.o. began to provide electromobility as a comprehensive service for households and sole traders. Together with a purchased car, it also offers a wallbox, checking the robustness of the wiring for home charging, a chip for charging in public stations, or green electricity for households of electric vehicle owners. At the same time, ČEZ offers financing for the purchase of an electric car through a favourable loan.

4. 4. 2019