Press releases pg. 55

Foreign activities

INVEN CAPITAL and the European Investment Bank are making their first joint investment. Their joint fund is acquiring a stake in a company specializing in the optimization of critical infrastructure management.

INVEN CAPITAL, CEZ Group’s investment fund seeking opportunities in the “new energy” sector, has acquired a stake in the French company Cosmo Tech. This is the first new investment made under a joint project with the European Investment Bank (EIB). Together, it is the fund’s seventh investment in the new energy sector.

11. 9. 2018

Nuclear power plants

Temelín's Unit 2 restored electricity production

Today at 1:18 am, the Unit 2 of Temelín NPP started to produce electricity. It was shutdown for refueling from the beginning of June 29. The outage lasted 61 days and the power plant technicians replaced during it one third of fuel, checked safety systems and made several tens of modernizations. Altogether, the outage schedule comprised over 13 thousand activities. Prior to achieving full power, the power plant technicians are about to test the Unit at 80 percent of the reactor rated power.

30. 8. 2018

Economics and financial news

ČEZ earned CZK 7.7 billion in 1H and confirms its annual outlook for net income of CZK 12–14 billion. ČEZ’s worth has increased by almost CZK 47 billion since the beginning of the year.

CEZ Group’s revenues amounted to CZK 86.3 billion, EBITDA was CZK 26.9 billion, and net income was CZK 7.7 billion in the first half of 2018. A year-on-year comparison of profits is significantly affected by non-recurrent revenue of almost CZK 7 billion in 2017, primarily the sale of MOL stock. Moreover, a significant increase in commodity prices adversely affected the income in the first half of 2018 due to temporary revaluation of hedges for the supplies of electricity from planned generation for the second half of 2018. CEZ Group’s real performance in the first half-year is thus in line with expectations and the Group confirms its estimate of adjusted net income of CZK 12 to 14 billion for the full 2018 year as well as its estimated EBITDA of CZK 51 to 53 billion.

7. 8. 2018


Fast-charging stations are popping up along Czech motorways. The newest addition is between Prague and Plzeň

A network of fast charging stations for electric cars is quickly growing along Czech motorways and enables travel across the country in many directions. The newest addition to the network is the two fast charging stations in the Žebrák area, on the D5 motorway between Prague and Plzeň, which has been built thanks to a grant from the European program Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). Through this program, the European Commission provides support for the interconnection of Europe by building charging stations along the main TENT-T road network.

4. 7. 2018