Press releases pg. 65

Nuclear power plants

International Auditors: Temelín Meets New International Environmental Protection Standards

New measures taken by Temelín to protect the environment were checked by experts from international audit firm Det Norske Veritas in recent days. According to the auditors, Temelín protects the environment in compliance with new international standards that have been in effect since the beginning of this year. The Southern Bohemian nuclear power plant thus successfully defended its prestigious environmental certificate.

2. 12. 2016


ČEZ Electromobility Expands Fast Charging Network. Construction Spurred by EU Grant

Prague, November 14, 2016 — Charging an electric vehicle quickly and rushing on through the Czech Republic to neighboring countries will soon be more comfortable. ČEZ Electromobility, the operator of the largest Czech EV charging network, presented its plan for further construction of public fast charging stations today. More than 40 such stations will be built thanks to a grant provided under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), an EU facility used by the European Commission to support the construction of charging stations along the TEN-T network of major roads to interconnect Europe.

14. 11. 2016

Economics and financial news

CEZ Group has already earned CZK 14.7 billion this year

CEZ Group reports CZK 14.7bn as its net income in the first three quarters of this year. After adjustment for extraordinary effects that are generally unrelated to ordinary financial performance, its net income was CZK 16.7bn. Its EBITDA was CZK 43.8bn. Decreasing realization prices of electricity accounted for CZK 4.5bn of the year-on-year decrease of CZK 4.6bn.

8. 11. 2016

Power plants

CEZ and Sokolovská uhelná have reached an agreement and put an end to their long commercial disputes

The agreement foresees a new purchase contract for the supply of brown coal from Sokolovská uhelná and the sale of the Tisová Power Plant by the CEZ Group to Sokolovská uhelná. In addition, both parties have agreed to take steps to put an end to all existing lawsuits and not to raise any more claims.

20. 10. 2016