Press releases pg. 74

Nuclear power plants

Police exercised protection of Temelín

Masked police, gunfire or smoke grenades. So looked one of working meeting demonstrations, which took place today at the Nuclear Power Plant Temelín. Representatives from State Office for Nuclear Safety, the Integrated Rescue System, regional administration and government and Nuclear Power Plant Temelín discussed the lesson learned from the events at Fukushima NPP. Neither a representative of the European Commission was missing. Czech Police made the dynamic final dot of the meeting. For the first time in the presence of media, they demonstrated detention of persons who illegally leaked into the site of the largest Czech power plant.

29. 9. 2014

Personal information

Changes in the Supervisory Board of ČEZ

At today's Supervisory Board of ČEZ session Petr Blažek resigned from his office of Supervisory Board member to September 29, 2014. At the same session the Supervisory Board of ČEZ co-opted Robert Šťastný as a new member of the Supervisory Board.

29. 9. 2014

Foreign activities

CEZ Successful in Arbitration for Gacko and Awarded Damages

The arbitration panel upheld ČEZ’ claims in an arbitration initiated in 2009 on the grounds of breached contractual conditions in a project for the reconstruction of an old power plant and the construction of a new power plant of Gacko in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project was then stopped still before the major capital expenditures were expended. ČEZ is to receive damages totalling approximately EUR 7,5 million.

2. 9. 2014

Foreign activities

Combined Heat and Power Plant in Turkey is Completed, ČEZ Started Live Operation

Together with its partner, Akkök of Turkey, the CEZ Group has accepted from their contractor a newly built combined heat and power (CHP) plant of Egemer in southeast Turkey and started its live operation. Being a highly efficient source of heat and power with 57% efficiency and a service life of minimum 30 years, the plant should generate up to 7,000 GWh of electricity every year.

28. 8. 2014