Press releases pg. 8

Sustainibility and ESG
Environment and renewable resources

Prague’s Brumlovka has the first 100% electric fleet of buses in Prague. Over seven years, the free routes have circumnavigated the world eight times and carried more than 2.5 million passengers

The shuttle service providing a connection between the Budějovická (C) metro station and Brumlovka is 100% electric. Two SOR electric buses have been in operation since February 2016, and a third electric bus started operation in September of this year. The reliable emission-free vehicles have travelled more than 300,000 km in over 7 years, which is equivalent to circumnavigating the world eight times. These are the first free electric buses that have been put into normal operation in Prague’s public transport. Passengers appreciate their quiet and smooth ride and the possibility of connecting to Wi-Fi for free.

4. 10. 2023

Education and Recruitment
Foreign activities

CEZ Group joins UN initiative Women’s Empowerment Principles, focusing on options for balancing work and family responsibilities

The energy company CEZ has become a signatory to a UN initiative Women’s Empowerment Principles which supports companies in creation of equal opportunities and empowering women. Joining the global initiative is another step CEZ is taking towards achieving its long-term goal of increasing the share of women in management to 30%, a goal which the Czech energy company announced in 2021. In its activities to promote equal opportunities, CEZ focuses mainly on parenthood, a time which, according to many surveys, represents a crucial period for women in their careers. In addition to several current activities, the company is preparing an adaptation programme for people returning to work after parental leave and creation of an employee group.

30. 9. 2023

Nuclear power plants

At the request of a bidder, ČEZ will extend the deadline for submitting the final bids for construction of the new nuclear reactor by nearly a month

ČEZ has agreed to a request by one of the bidders and has extended the deadline for submitting the final bids for construction of the new nuclear reactor in Dukovany. The new deadline is now October 31, 2023. Extension of the deadline has no impact on the project schedule. Bidders will submit non-binding bids for another three nuclear reactors in addition to the binding bid for one reactor in Dukovany.

19. 9. 2023

Environment and renewable resources
Foreign activities

Not even a molecule of Russian gas: the LNG terminal in Eemshaven, the Netherlands, is celebrating its first anniversary. Twenty-one ships with gas destined for the Czech Republic have already arrived

Eemshaven was the very first terminal for liquefied natural gas put into operation in Europe after the start of the war in Ukraine. The facility can process up to eight billion cubic metres of gas a year, of which up to three billion are destined for the Czech Republic, a volume equal to more than a third of the country’s annual consumption. The multinationals Shell and Engie also use the terminal besides CEZ. No Russian gas has ever arrived at the terminal, one of the specific conditions in the tender.

18. 9. 2023