Press releases pg. 90

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CEZ’ New CEO Changes Organization Structure, Slimming Down Top Management Team. Two New Members of the Board of Directors Elected.

The Supervisory Board of CEZ has today elected two new members of CEZ’ Board of Directors and discussed a proposal of Mr. Daniel Benes, the new Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of CEZ, for corporate organization structure changes that should take effect from January 1, 2012. This is the first step to slim down and render more efficient the company’s line management at the top level and to prepare the CEZ Group for the consolidation of its subsidiary firms’ activities too. Additional restructuring measures aimed to reduce the number of divisions and top managerial posts is planned for mid next year, when the current 11 divisions should be restructured to form just 8 or possibly 9. At today's session of the Supervisory Board, Mr. Martin Riman announced his resignation as member of the Supervisory Board and member of the Audit Committee with effect from December 20, 2011.

20. 10. 2011

Personal information

Daniel Beneš Has Become CEZ’ Chairman of the Board and CEO

The Board of Directors of CEZ has elected Daniel Benes, former Vice-Chairman of the Board and Executive Director of CEZ, as its Chairman. He has replaced Martin Roman who resigned yesterday. Daniel Benes has thus also become CEZ’ Chief Executive Officer. CEZ’ Supervisory Board has today also co-opted Martin Roman as its new member and elected him Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

15. 9. 2011

Economics and financial news

ČEZ Group Raised This Year’s Profit Estimates by CZK 500 Million

The Net Profit of CZK 23.9 billion recorded by the ČEZ Group for the first six months of this year have already exceeded the profit generated by its much bigger rival, the German-based group of E.On (EUR 948 million, equivalent to some CZK 22.8 billion). Although the energy sector is still affected by the global crisis aftermath connected with low electricity prices, ČEZ has raised its expected 2011 profit level to CZK 40.6 billion.

15. 8. 2011

Economics and financial news

CEZ to Acquire Energotrans and to Sell Its Stake in MIBRAG

The CEZ Group is going to acquire Energotrans, a company supplying heat from Melnik to Prague, and to sell its 50% equity stake in MIBRAG, a mining corporation, to the other shareholder, holding contractual right, Energeticky a prumyslovy holding. This transaction has been approved by all competent CEZ Group’s bodies.

28. 7. 2011