Press releases pg. 92


ČEZ Group introduces its first partners to participate in development of electric car charging stations in the Czech Republic

In this year, ČEZ will install charging stations in 50 locations, mostly near major towns in the Czech Republic. The stations will be not only in Prague but also in Central Moravia, South Moravia, West and East Bohemia.

3. 5. 2011

Economics and financial news

CEZ Group’s Net Profit for 2010 Reached CZK 47.2 Billion

The CEZ Group’s Net Profit exceeded expectations by half a billion, reaching CZK 47.2 billion. The CEZ Group also improved its last year’s results in terms of Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA), which exceeded CZK 89.1 billion. Although the results of 2010 are, in line with expectations, lower than in 2009, CEZ eventually delivered a profit higher than planned to its shareholders.

24. 2. 2011

Economics and financial news

CEZ Detected two Unauthorized Transactions with Emission Permits

The CEZ energy group has detected two unauthorized emission permit transfers in connection with the recent attack on the Czech carbon emission permit registry. Last week, OTE, the Czech carbon registry operator, temporarily closed its carbon registry, allegedly due to a software attack on the core parts of its information system.

27. 1. 2011

Environment and renewable resources
Foreign activities

CEZ Romania develops its business in renewables

CEZ Romania SA, member of the CEZ Group, finalized the acquisition of the hydroenergy system in Caras Severin County near Resita. CEZ Romania SA bought 100% stake in TMK Hydroenergy Power SRL.

6. 1. 2011