Press releases pg. 95

CEZ: No development in DNV Evaluation Report, the interpretation was unilateral

We are surprised that key knowledge presented by DNV in the press conference of the Ministry of Environment is that planned efficiency of the reconstructed power plant is 40.19%. This information of the Ministry of Environment has been known and well justified since June 2008 that we submitted a EIA application. Higher efficiency is not feasible to implement on reasonable economic conditions due to quality and volume of available coal. This information is available both to media and the public for a long time.

19. 3. 2010

Power plants

ČEZ, a. s. press release concerning Information Meeting

Today, in the headquarters of CEZ, a. s., the Information Meeting of company representatives with candidates qualified in procurement procedure of public contract: "Completion of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant".

10. 3. 2010

Consortium CEZ/AES will not attend the tender proceeding in Kosovo

Energy companies CEZ and AES had closed their cooperation in the consortium, which will not attend the ongoing tender proceeding for construction of new generation capacity and reconstruction of the existing power plant, including adjacent coal mine Sibovc in Kosovo.

5. 3. 2010

Power plants

Complex refurbishment of Prunéřov or fiction versus reality

Prunéřov – Nongovernmental organisations systematically argue about the planned complex refurbishment of the Prunéřov II Power Plant with their half-truths or untruths. It is not the truth that the prepared modernisation will damage environment in North Bohemia. It is not the truth that ČEZ wants to install obsolete technologies. The contrary is the case, the fictive option promoted by nongovernmental organisations is infeasible in reality not just in technical and economic aspect but also in terms of ecology.

1. 2. 2010