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About the Project

The life cycle of a nuclear facility – in short, the preparation (investment, licensing, and permit), construction, commissioning, operation, and decommissioning – is indeed a long haul, spanning more than 100 years. Of these, approximately 20 years are taken up by the preparation and construction or commissioning of the project, the next 60 years or more by its operation, and finally it is decommissioned at the end of its lifetime. This is a project that involves several generations, either by directly involving them in the actual work at any stage of the project’s life cycle, or as an inhabitant of the Czech Republic using the clean and reliable energy produced by a nuclear power plant.

The project timeline describes the main milestone

New decision concerning a permit to place ETE3,4

The new decision replaces the existing permit for the placement of ETE 3,4. The reason for the submission of the application was a change in the legal situation brought about by the entry into force of the (new) Atomic Act and its implementing regulations, and the subsequent actions of the permit holder, and other factual and legal circumstances.

Establishment of Elektrárna Temelín, a. s.

In response to the Updated State Energy Policy and the National Action Plan – documents of the Ministry of Industry and Trade that clearly describe the direction in which the Czech energy sector should go in the upcoming decades – ČEZ establishes a new subsidiary, Elektrárna Temelín II. Its sole objective is the preparation of the project and implementation of the construction of a New Nuclear Source at the Temelín site. Ing. Petr Závodský became the CEO and Chairman of the Management Board of ETEII.

Decision concerning a permit to place ETE3,4

ČEZ, a. s. obtained a permit to place the 3rd and 4th blocks at the Temelín site.

ČEZ cancels tender for the completion of the Temelín NPP

Based on the government’s decision not to support the completion of the Temelín NPP, ČEZ, a. s. proceeded to cancel the tender and to postpone the completion project indefinitely.

Obtaining an affirmative EIA opinion on the environmental impact of the completion of Temelín

In January 2013, the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, on the basis of the EIA documentation, an expert opinion, a public hearing, and all comments submitted during the EIA process, issued an affirmative opinion.

The government opinion includes 90 conditions and requirements for environmental and public health protection – divided into the preparation, construction, and operation stage – which must be respected in the subsequent levels of design documentation for the building, and which will be included as conditions in subsequent administrative proceedings (e.g., zoning, construction).

Submission of an application for a placement permit for the completion of the Temelín NPP

In connection with the submission of an application for a placement permit, ČEZ, a. s. decided to publish the Tender Safety Report – a document that must be submitted for evaluation to the State Office for Nuclear Safety with an application for a placement permit for a nuclear facility, pursuant to the Atomic Act. In preparing the report, experts proceeded on the basis of applicable legislation, requirements and recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and other international practices concerning the basic outline, structure, and requirements for the contents of the report.

Public hearings

The Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic requested a public hearing (June 2012) which is required by the Czech environmental impact assessment act. The public hearing was preceded by public discussions in the Federal Republic of Germany (Passau on 12 June 2012) and in Austria (in Vienna on 30 May 2012).

ČEZ commences a tender for the completion of the Temelín NPP

A tender for the main contractor of the project for the completion of the 3rd and 4th blocks at the Temelín site was launched. The bidders – the US Westinghouse, the French Areva, and the Russian-Czech consortium MIR.1200 (Škoda JS, Atomstrojexport, and Gidropress) – were sent a tender documentation containing thousands of requirements for the project – of a technical, commercial, and economic nature.

Completion of the discovery procedure

The discovery procedure was completed in February 2009. At its conclusion, the Ministry of Environment informed ČEZ, a. s. of its requirements in terms of the content of the EIA documentation. There were 34 main and 165 partial requirements received by the Ministry from the concerned state administration authorities, local governments, civil associations, and the general public, including from abroad. The conclusions of the discovery procedure and their resolution are contained in the EIA documentation, which provides basic information about the project and assesses the expected direct and indirect environmental and public health impacts of the completion. Furthermore, the Ministry stated that all the relevant requirements and comments stated in the statements received – dozens of statements from the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Germany, Austria, Poland, and Hungary – had to be taken into account and dealt with in the EIA documentation. All of them are available in the EIA Information System.

Initiation of the environmental impact assessment of the NNS – discovery procedure

ČEZ, a. s., submitted the EIA notification concerning the completion of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant to the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic in July 2008. The Ministry published the notification in August 2008 and initiated the discovery procedure. The MoE included the neighbouring countries Austria and Germany in the EIA process for the new blocks.