Basic financial data

Selected indicators of CEZ Group

Selected indicators of CEZ Group (IFRS, consolidated)

  Unit 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Installed capacity MW 14,848 14,643 12,933 11,832 11,836 11,943
Electricity generated (gross) GWh 63,081 64,635 60,946 56,008 54,302 51,451
Electricity sales 1) GWh 37,634 35,176 33,265 26,831 22,495 23,981
Gas sales 1) GWh 9,607 9,784 9,318 7,254 8,138 11,232
Heat sales 1) GWh 6,448 6,699 6,662 7,351 6,489  6,746
Employee head count at Dec 31 persons 31,385 32,365 32,535 28,043 28,727  30,552
Operating revenues CZK m 184,486 206,192 213,737  227,793 288,485 340,585
EBITDA CZK m 49,535 60,175 64,783  63,240 131,568 124,839
EBIT CZK m 19,759 26,425 12,585  16,098 101,927 84,512
Net income CZK m 10,500 14,500  5,468  9.909  80,705 29,574
Net income - adjusted 2) CZK m 13,055 18,856 22,841  22,253  78,400 34,800
EPS - basic CZK 19.3 26.9 10.2  18.3  150.5 55.0
Dividend per share 3) CZK 24 34  52  48  145  52
Cash and cash equivalents CZK m  7,278  9,755 6,064  26,640  36,609 10,892
Total financial debt CZK m 160,966 171,893 151,827  137,890  202,146 168,910
Nuclear provisions CZK m 63,646 75,762 91,711  93,702  109,710 128,618
Capital expenditures (CAPEX) CZK m -26,386 -29,789 -31,159  -32,546  -34,798 -45,784
Financial Investments 4) CZK m -2,214 -3,529 -1,347  -3,051  -1,864 -2,584
Operating cash flow CZK m 35,351 42,931 72,157  59,156  5,092 137,567
Number of shares issued thousands 537,990 537,990 537,990  537,990  537,990 537,990

1) Sold to end-use customers (outside CEZ Group)

2) Adjusted net income excludes extraordinary effects that are generally unrelated to ordinary financial performance in the given year (most importantly fixed assets impairments).

3) Value for the given year, paid out in the following year.

4) Acquisitions of subsidiaries and associates, net of cash acquired