Nuclear Power Plant news pg. 2434

JE Dukovany traffic

Information on Dukovany NPP, May 21st 2007

Units 1,2,3,4 are operated at full rated power. All auxiliary systems are working in accordance with operational needs of units. Electricity production since the beginning of operation: 271 070 481 MWh.

21. 5. 2007


CEO appointed Daniel Benes as the Chief Operating Officer

18. 5. 2007

JE Temelin traffic

Information on NPP Temelín 98 / 2007

První blok je v provozu na plánovaném výkonu. V sobotu 19. května ve 4 hodiny ráno bude první blok plánovaně krátkodobě odstaven. Důvodem je provedení pravidelné zkoušky regulačních orgánů reaktoru.

18. 5. 2007

JE Dukovany traffic

Information on Dukovany NPP, May 17th 2007

Units 1,2,3,4 are operated at full rated power. All auxiliary systems are working in accordance with operational needs of units. Electricity production since the beginning of operation: 270 895 931 MWh.

17. 5. 2007