Nuclear Power Plant news pg. 2501

JE Temelin traffic

Information on NPP Temelín 191/2006

Unit 1 is in operation on planned power level. At Unit 2, the planned outage is continued that is connected with the yearly replacement of ¼ of the reactor fuel.

29. 9. 2006

JE Dukovany traffic

Information on Dukovany NPP, September 29th 2006

Units 1,2,3,4 are operated at full rated power. All auxiliary systems are working in accordance with operational needs of units. Electricity production since the beginning of operation: 262 576 690 MWh.

29. 9. 2006

JE Temelin traffic

Information on NPP Temelín 190/2006

Unit 1 is in operation on planned power level. At Unit 2, the planned outage is continued that is connected with the yearly replacement of ¼ of the reactor fuel.

27. 9. 2006


Bath of a future IAEA inspector fell out well

Over the last week a training of a group of fifteen future IAEA inspectors proceeded at Dukovany NPP. On Friday, 22nd September, 8:00 to 11:00 p.m., there was a practical exam under way in which the students were supposed to perform what they learned in practical inspection skills.

27. 9. 2006