Nuclear Power Plant news pg. 2670

JE Dukovany traffic

Information on Dukovany NPP, October 24

All Units 1, 2, 3, 4 are operated at power production modes. All auxiliary systems are working in accordance with operational needs of the units. Electricity production since the beginning of NPP operation in 1985: 249 059 422 MWh

24. 10. 2005


The Tusimice power plants´ site is changing its shape completely, it is preparing for the future

Technological equipment of the Tusimice I power plant is being removed and a total demolition is under way in order to improve the state of the environment, the landscape physique, secure safety, and mainly by reason of preparing the locality for future industrial usage. The goal is to clean up and prepare the site, which has entire infrastructure, for future industrial usage.

21. 10. 2005


Press release: Severočeské doly has become a member of the CEZ Group

Today representatives of the National Property Fund of the Czech Republic (FNM CR) and CEZ Power Company have signed Agreement about a purchase and sale of shares, under which CEZ is buying a 55,792 % share in Severoceske doly owned by FNM CR. By this step, CEZ will increase its present 37.31 % share in the company to 93.102 %. The purchase price amounts to 9,046m CZK.

20. 10. 2005


Romanian distribution company Oltenia has become a member of the CEZ Group

In Bucharest today, the settlement of the privatization contract for acquiring the majority share in Electrica Oltenia S.A., which has thus become another foreign member of the CEZ Group, has been concluded.

4. 10. 2005