Press releases pg. 53


Next year, CEZ power plants will save 100 trainfuls of coal by combusting biomass

CEZ power company is entering a new stage, aimed at the utilisation of renewable energy, namely biomass. From the next year onwards, CEZ will use biomass on a much larger scale and with a long-term perspective. CEZ plants have incinerated 7 500 tons of biomass this year. Next year´s volume should exceed 130 thousand tons, thus substituting about 97 thousand tons of brown coal (of average calorific value), which would otherwise be incinerated by CEZ plants (the amount equals almost 100 trainfuls of coal).

15. 12. 2003


CEZ Power Company expressed its interest in Slovenské elektrarne company

Today, the CEZ Power Company officially submitted its Letter of Intent to the Slovak State Property Fund, thus expressing interest in partaking in the privatisation of the power utility Slovenské elektrarne (SE). CEZ communicated the fact that it is interested in all the company segments, including its nuclear facilities.

8. 12. 2003


CEZ Group is the largest producer of electricity generated by small hydropower plants

The combined installed capacity of all small hydroelectric power plants operated by the CEZ Group amounts to 59.7 MW (0.5 % of the total installed capacity of the CEZ Group). This means that the CEZ Group is the largest producer of electricity generated by small hydropower plants in the Czech Republic.

2. 12. 2003


International consolidated figures of the economic performance of the CEZ Group in the first three quarters of 2003

The profit of the CEZ Group has more than doubled

28. 11. 2003