Press releases pg. 59


Today, CEZ took over the equity in distribution companies formerly owned by the state

As of today, the shares of regional power utilities are integrated into the CEZ Group. According to the most recent information, all the shares in question were transferred this morning, i.e. within the agreed deadline, and were subsequently properly registered in the accounting systems of the Czech Securities Commission. This means that the project of incorporating distribution companies into the CEZ Group has been concluded approximately one year after the governmental proposal of this merger.

1. 4. 2003


Main points of a CEZ presentation at a press conference held on March 27, 2003 at 11.00 Concerning the integration of distribution companies into the CEZ group

27. 3. 2003


CEZ does not plan to sell Hodonin power plant

CEZ Power Company would hereby like to refute information about the alleged sale of Hodonin power plant, which has recently appeared in the press. CEZ is thus reconfirming the fact that it has no intention to sell the Hodonin plant and no such transaction is being prepared.

17. 3. 2003


CEZ daughter company is trading on the German energy exchange market

The firm rpg Energiehandel GmbH, a fully owned (100%) daughter company of CEZ, began quoting its shares on the German energy exchange market EEX, whose member it is. CEZ thus became the first Eastern European company to be allowed to trade on the German exchange market.

11. 3. 2003