Press releases pg. 106

Foreign activities

The Joint Venture Company of CEZ and MOL has been established

The incorporation of the CEZ-MOL Joint Venture has been finished in line with the joint venture agreement between CEZ and MOL signed on 20 December 2007. CM European Power International is the first entity of CEZ-MOL Joint Operation with initial capital of EUR 8.3 mil.

21. 7. 2008

Power plants

CEZ is asking the Ministry of the Environment to assess the environmental impacts of potential completion of Temelin

CEZ wants to facilitate complex environmental impact assessment of a proposed completion of the Temelin Nuclear Power Plant, and therefore has today asked the Ministry of the Environment to carry out the EIA.

11. 7. 2008

Foreign activities

CEZ succeeded in Turkey

CEZ Power Company in consortium with a local Turkish partner has succeeded in today’s auction of the distribution company Sedas.

1. 7. 2008

Foreign activities

Green light to CEZ/MOL joint venture

CEZ/MOL joint venture has already obtained all necessary rulings from relevant antimonopoly authorities. Positive statements from European Commission (May 2008) and authorities from Ukraine, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (June 2008) allow the setup of a JV company.

19. 6. 2008