Press releases pg. 94

Economics and financial news

ČEZ draws attention to the suspicion of TES Praha being an intentional or unintentional party to tax evasion.

This year in May the company ČEZ drew the revenue office’s attention in writing to its suspicion that the company TES Praha, a.s. could have become an intentional or unintentional party to so-called carousel transactions resulting VAT evasion. In April ČEZ, when these transactions began intensively, it began to suspect that this trader may be breaking the law. Therefore it submitted all source documents to the revenue office. ČEZ also stopped trading with emission tickets and with other companies which used a similar trading model as TES Praha a.s. Standard trading with other reputable partners continues.

9. 8. 2010

Foreign activities

Foreign companies of the CEZ Group bring positive results

Even in the last year, the foreign companies of the CEZ Group experienced processes the purpose of which was to enhance their production capacity. In total, the accumulated EBITDA (operating income) of the foreign companies has amounted to nearly half of the investment. CEZ gains CZK 5.5 billion on dividends.

10. 6. 2010

Power plants
Foreign activities
Environment and renewable resources

First turbine of Fantanele wind farm was connected to the grid

Fantanele, Romania – Yesterday (1st June) at 5:25 pm. of the local time, the first of a total of 240 wind turbines was commissioned in the project of the largest European wind farm Fantanele – Cogealac which is under construction by the CEZ Energy Company in the Romanian province Dobrogea.

2. 6. 2010

Nuclear power plants

ČEZ handed over the EIA documents regarding completion of the Temelín nuclear power plant to the Ministry of Environment

The ČEZ company has delivered the documents regarding effects of the “New nuclear source in the Temelín locality, including power transmission to the Kočín switch yard” on environment today. It is a further step within the process of environmental impact assessment (EIA) that follows the preliminary proceedings and its conclusions.

31. 5. 2010