Nuclear Power Plant news pg. 2569

JE Temelin traffic

Information on NPP Temelín 19/2006

The first Units is operated at a planned power level. Unit 2 is shutdown as planned for the replacement of the high pressure turbine rotor.

26. 1. 2006

JE Dukovany traffic

Information on Dukovany NPP, January 26

Units 1,2,3,4 are operated at full rated power. All auxiliary systems are working in accordance with operational needs of units. Electricity production since beginning of operation: 252 858 843 MWh.

26. 1. 2006

JE Temelin traffic

Information on NPP Temelín 18 / 2006

Unit 1 is in operation at planned power level. Unit 2 is shut down as planned to perform the replacement of the high pressure turbine rotor.

25. 1. 2006


CEZ´s Electricity production from renewable sources increased by 19 % and amounted to 1.45 TWh in 2005.

Total electricity production in CEZ´s renewable sources in 2005 was higher than in the year 2004. This steady increase was kept by hydro-power plants, which produced over 1.3 TWh in the twelve months of 2005. Production in wind-power plants and utilization of solar energy remained roughly at the same level. Production by biomass combustion was the only one to record a marked year-on-year decrease.

25. 1. 2006