Press releases pg. 40


General meeting completed another round of the firm restructuring

The general meeting of CEZ has today approved control agreements with CEZData, s.r.o., CEZ Customer services, s.r.o. and CEZ Logistics, s.r.o., and has thus completed another phase of the company restructuring towards the regional distribution companies integration. The aim of the transformation is to make the operation of the CEZ Group more effective and to satisfy the EU conditions of unbundling production and power distribution department.

21. 1. 2005


Possibility of Selling CEZ Shares to the CEZ Company

The energy company CEZ is aware that the government is considering several options of selling a part of the CEZ shares. The decision is fully within its competence, as well as the decision on utilisation of the funds acquired. CEZ only informs the government and the Ministry of Industry and Trade about the possibilities and implications of separate steps.

14. 1. 2005


CEZ is going to offer a purchase of Skoda Praha´s shares

The Power Company is going to offer the purchase of the shares to minority stockholders of Skoda Praha. The concrete offer will probably be released by the end of January 2005.

15. 12. 2004


CEZ obtained trasmission capacities for electricity export

CEZ obtained necessary transmission capacities for electricity export to Germany and Poland for next year. CEZ obtained the capacities in a tripartite auction organized by CEPS, a transmission system operator.

10. 12. 2004