Press releases pg. 61


Petr Voboril was appointed the vice-chairman of the CEZ Executive Board

Petr Voboril was appointed the vice-chairman of the CEZ Executive Board, by a meeting of the Board held today.

24. 2. 2003


CEZ will launch a memorandum against the verdict of the Czech Authority for Protecting Economic Competition (APEC)

CEZ Board of Directors, at its meeting held on October 20. 12. 2002, decided to appeal against the verdict of the Czech Authority for Protecting Economic Competition (APEC), concerning the merger of CEZ and distribution companies, and substantiate this by an analysis of the issue.

21. 12. 2002


CEZ has won a tender for an electricity supplier, advertised by OKD

CEZ Power Company and the OKD mining company signed a contract covering the supply of electricity for the next year. OKD thus became the largest end customer of CEZ that will be supplied within the Rainbow Electricity scheme, supposing we do not count the distribution companies.

19. 12. 2002


The Authority for Protecting Economic Competition (APEC) has approved the interconnection between CEZ and distribution companies

Today, CEZ Power Company received a favourable verdict from the Authority for Protecting Economic Competition, concerning the planned merger between CEZ and the distribution companies, which had already been approved by the Czech government.

11. 12. 2002